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Plot of land bought but struggle to sell

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Plot of land bought but struggle to sell Empty Plot of land bought but struggle to sell

Post by bentley1988 Thu May 06 2010, 00:24

Bought a plot of land around 10 years ago and have been struggling to sell ever since, one investment that really nags at me to be honest.

I bought the land on the whim that a renovation would take place soon as was an up and coming area....however this never came and the area stayed very down market.

Therefore left with a plot of land that i will struggle to sell in 10 years time.... lesson learned dont always go in on a whim!


Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2010-05-06

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Plot of land bought but struggle to sell Empty Re: Plot of land bought but struggle to sell

Post by seenathkumar Tue May 25 2010, 14:16

Land is one of the good investment option one should not hurry to sell or buy a land a proper analysis should be done because there is many thing which can be done on it.

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Plot of land bought but struggle to sell Empty Re: Plot of land bought but struggle to sell

Post by Filson Thu Aug 19 2010, 18:01

It has pledged not to sell the land to the government or BAA if the airport expansion gets the go-ahead.


Number of posts : 19
Registration date : 2010-08-16

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