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Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares

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Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares Empty Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares

Post by vivek042 Mon Mar 01 2010, 20:26

The main mantra of the share market is-"Buy low and sell high".
This is all that you need to keep in mind when you have to decide what the right time to get in and out of the share market is. This logic that you should always buy shares at the lowest price possible and then wait for the share price to go high so that you can sell them with a good profit margin no doubt makes sense. This what you need to know about how to buy and sell shares. But how will you find out when the market is overheated so that you can sell the shares and at what point in time it is down or bottomed out. This is where you have to give importance to monitoring the cycles of investment.Most of the times, the stock market tends to move in waves. When the market is doing well, the shares prices go up and the companies report increase in profit. This leads to the prospect of good economic growth and also a low rate of inflation and interest rates in the market. At this point in time the market is referred to as 'Bull Markets'.
On the other hand, when the market is down and the economy loses steam, it is referred to as 'Bear market'. But the main point that you need to know is how to find out what is the time when you need to sell out the shares or still hold on to them.According to experts in the business, there are three different stages in case of both the bear and the bull market. In order to maximise the return you can get from the shares which you own, you should know at which stage of the cycle you are in.
There are three stages in the upward phase which is the primary bull market. These are:
In this stage, the market hold much negativity. The shares here have very low value. In the long term, however, prices start to rise.
Big Move
This is the easiest stage to make money. At this stage, price reaches its peak across the board.
This is believed to be the most dangerous stage in share trading business. At this stage, people tend to get over confident and interest rates fall to the lowest level.
Thus, knowing when to buy and when to sell will help you get the maximum out of your money.
Fortunate Management India


Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2010-02-12

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Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares Empty Re: Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares

Post by nitikasnv Sat Mar 06 2010, 14:29

This is really true as it is very important to know when there is a better time to sell and when to buy which is very necessary and once you will come to know about this, you will be sorted as stock market get ups and down very frequently.



Number of posts : 42
Registration date : 2010-01-18

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Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares Empty Re: Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares

Post by praveen1 Sat Mar 20 2010, 01:02

Hi Vivek,
Thanks for the above posted information but whatever you have posted is a common thing which I thin every person who is in stok trading knows. well I will be grateful to you if you can tell me something about technical charts and how can we study graphs?

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Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares Empty Re: Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares

Post by seenathkumar Tue Jun 15 2010, 12:09

Really appreciate you for giving this kind of information for investors. I hope you will be there with more information's on share market for investors. Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares 4530

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Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares Empty Tips on When to Buy and Sell Shares

Post by Bhanu Mon Aug 02 2010, 16:49

Good morning...

Thank you for sharing with us...



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