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Invest in Infrastructure bonds India to save more TAX.......

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Invest in Infrastructure bonds India to save more TAX....... Empty Invest in Infrastructure bonds India to save more TAX.......

Post by jiten702 Mon Feb 07 2011, 19:05

Infrastructure bonds, no doubt is creating a sensation all over with the range of facility that it provides to its investors. Saving tax was never been so simple and precise, now with the aid of infrastructure bonds one can save even more tax as per section 80CCF.

Key features of Infrastructure bonds:-

  • Tenure: The minimum tenure of these bonds will be 10 years. The lock-in period for these bonds will be 5 years. So if the investor does not want to hold these bonds for the entire tenure, then he can sell these bonds in the secondary market after 5 years.

  • Income Tax Benefits: Under Section 80CCF of the Income Tax Act, the maximum deduction from taxable income that can be availed by investing in these bonds is Rs 20,000.

  • Interest: The interest rate paid on these bonds will depend on the interest rates prevailing in the market at the time of issuing these bonds.

  • Others: Investors will have to furnish their PAN card number to the issuing company for buying these bonds.


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Registration date : 2010-08-09

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