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18 years is a good age to invest

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18 years is a good age to invest Empty 18 years is a good age to invest

Post by jiyobefikar Mon Apr 19 2010, 13:00

Till I started getting a huge salary, I thought it was nomuse investing. I tried the online ULIPs method and found that a single term payment could give me good returns. A lot of insurance players have a lot of schemes, but what piqued my interest was this completely online ULIP called iGain.
Do try it out, it gives you complete calculation of how you should save and how to manage expenses.


Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2010-03-25

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18 years is a good age to invest Empty Yes yes!!

Post by anushgill Mon Jun 21 2010, 17:49

Hey Yes! 18 is definitely a good age to invest. Given the fact that there are ULIPs that allow for you to start investing at the age of 18.


Number of posts : 11
Registration date : 2010-05-10

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18 years is a good age to invest Empty Re: 18 years is a good age to invest

Post by srujanaa4 Wed Aug 04 2010, 15:08

hi everyone ...
thanku for sharing the info...



Number of posts : 60
Registration date : 2010-08-04

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