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What are sector funds?

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What are sector funds? Empty What are sector funds?

Post by jiten702 Fri Dec 24 2010, 14:37

Sector funds are one category of equity funds, which invest, only in a particular sector. The performance of the scheme is essentially depending on performance of that sector only. These type of funds are suitable only to high risk taking investors.
e.g. there are power sector funds, banking funds, media & entertainment fund etc.


Male Number of posts : 51
Age : 41
Location : India
Registration date : 2010-08-09

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What are sector funds? Empty Should not invest in Sector Fund.

Post by ronak Tue Jul 05 2011, 17:52

Agree with you Jiten Sector Funds are suitable only to high risk taking investors. While surfing I've come across a article that precise why should not invest in Sector Funds? must read post!

Mutual Funds |Types of Mutual Funds | Online Mutual Funds


Male Number of posts : 34
Age : 45
Location : Mumbai
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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