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What is your take on i-pru health insurance?

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What is your take on i-pru health insurance? Empty What is your take on i-pru health insurance?

Post by Admin Mon Jan 28 2008, 20:58

Looks relatively expensive for me. With no maturity value do you think it will be a good deal?

Number of posts : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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What is your take on i-pru health insurance? Empty Re: What is your take on i-pru health insurance?

Post by dileep Tue Jan 29 2008, 11:42

I feel some of the life insurense are gud but some just show a lot of offerers but behind the scene u will be totally traped nd wil be in loss, so I suggest to contact a tax consultant before investing.


Male Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2008-01-29

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What is your take on i-pru health insurance? Empty Re: What is your take on i-pru health insurance?

Post by gbhupesh Tue Jan 29 2008, 15:59

what is i-pru health insurance?

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Male Number of posts : 35
Location : Bangalore
Registration date : 2008-01-29

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