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How does investing in Share market help?

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How does investing in Share market help? Empty How does investing in Share market help?

Post by Praks Wed Feb 27 2008, 10:54

I am worried about the TAX deductions in my salary... Sad
I wanted to know how does investing in share market help save tax...
Hand Money

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How does investing in Share market help? Empty Re: How does investing in Share market help?

Post by rakeshkamble Wed Feb 27 2008, 16:33

If you are investing on some stocks directly in market then it is not going to help u save tax.. but yes if u invest in certain Mutual Funds which has a lockin period, will help u in s aving tax.. Hand Money
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How does investing in Share market help? Empty Re: How does investing in Share market help?

Post by Wed Feb 27 2008, 20:49

By directly investing in Stock market you can't get tax exemption but point to be noted is "ANY INCOME THAT IS GENERATED FROM THE STOCK WHICH YOU HAD HELD FOR MORE THAN 1 YEAR TERM WILL COME UNDER LONG TERM CAPITAL GAIN AND EXEMPTED FROM TAX" (straight into your pocket) so think about it. So you can save your hard earned money.

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How does investing in Share market help? Empty Re: How does investing in Share market help?

Post by enidhi Thu Feb 28 2008, 10:35

Another factor to be noted: It is possible to earn excellent returns from Stock market if you invest properly and get lucky, this can overcome the effect of tax you otherwise would have paid/saved.

For example, you may save around 30 k as tax on a one lakh investment for that year. The same one lakh, if managed well, can generate more than 60% returns within an year in stockmarket (if everything goes as per you plan-there's equal amount of risk though) From that you're still left with more money what you would otherwise have...

bottomline: If you're confident of earning 50% returns over a span of one year in stock market, no need to worry about other tax saving instruments.

To be on safer side one can go for mutual funds and ELSS which give tax benefits, as Rakesh suggested.
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How does investing in Share market help? Empty Re: How does investing in Share market help?

Post by seenathkumar Tue May 25 2010, 14:20

I would recommend you to invest in tax mutual funds which will lock your money for 3 years an helps you to get tax benefit.


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How does investing in Share market help? Empty Re: How does investing in Share market help?

Post by srujanaa4 Wed Aug 04 2010, 14:53

hi everyone...
welcome to this forum..



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How does investing in Share market help? Empty Re: How does investing in Share market help?

Post by sru123 Sat Aug 07 2010, 16:39

hi every one...
Thanks for sharing this ...



Number of posts : 54
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How does investing in Share market help? Empty Re: How does investing in Share market help?

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