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Which one you prefer----Life insurances with private companies or LIC

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Which one you prefer----Life insurances with private companies or LIC Empty Which one you prefer----Life insurances with private companies or LIC

Post by sidhartha Mon Feb 04 2008, 14:37

which one do you prefer insurances offered by private companies like Metlife,Tata AIG,ING Vysya or our age old LIC...
i personally prefer for the same benefits the premium charged by LIC is pretty less....but at the same time its much more difficult to get out money from LIC in case of mishap...but now they are improving as they also have to keep it up with the market....
even the policies have improved a lot.....flexiblity is also there.....

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Which one you prefer----Life insurances with private companies or LIC Empty Re: Which one you prefer----Life insurances with private companies or LIC

Post by enidhi Mon Feb 04 2008, 16:39

I stay balanced with LIC and private players-LIC is not giving me an option to manage my portfolio online- cant shift between type at my will between debt/equity etc

Private players charge more, but more aggressive in providing value added services...
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Which one you prefer----Life insurances with private companies or LIC Empty Re: Which one you prefer----Life insurances with private companies or LIC

Post by srujanaa4 Wed Aug 04 2010, 15:00

ok fine..
thanku for your info..



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Which one you prefer----Life insurances with private companies or LIC Empty Re: Which one you prefer----Life insurances with private companies or LIC

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