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Term Life Insurance

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Term Life Insurance	 Empty Term Life Insurance

Post by jiten702 Fri Feb 18 2011, 13:24

Term life insurance is the insurance policy under which the death benefit is payable only if the insured dies during a specified period & this policy does not have any investment component. It is the most affordable type of life insurance available. It is designed to meet temporary life insurance needs; providing protection for a specified period of time, the term.

This type of life insurance makes sense if you have financial needs that will diminish over time, such as a home mortgage or a child's tuition. Each year, a premium is paid to cover the risk of death during that year. Term life insurance has no cash value. The only way to collect anything is to die before the term life insurance expires. If death occurs, the life insurance beneficiary generally collects the death benefit of the life insurance policy, free of income tax.


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Registration date : 2010-08-09

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