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Make yourself Billionaire........

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Make yourself Billionaire........ Empty Make yourself Billionaire........

Post by jiten702 Tue Jan 18 2011, 13:19

For Investment purpose, we often wait to collect a large amount of money and invest it all at once. These investments are done to achieve our future goals like buying a house, child's education, marriage or retirement planning. However recurring household expenses always erode the money which we would have otherwise kept for investments and the result - we end up compromising on our financial goals. So,in order to get the dual benefits of investment and that too of small amount periodically, we have Systematic Investment Plan(SIP).

A systematic investment plan or SIP (as it is more commonly known) is a way to invest in mutual funds with small sums of money on regularly basis typically monthly or quarterly , over a longer period of time. These small and regular investments will help in growth of your wealth in the long run and you will surely reap the benefits of the fruits that you have planted by doing systematic investments of your hard-earned money in mutual funds.


Male Number of posts : 51
Age : 41
Location : India
Registration date : 2010-08-09

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