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Portfolio Management Services-a new beginning......

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Portfolio Management Services-a new beginning...... Empty Portfolio Management Services-a new beginning......

Post by jiten702 Fri Dec 10 2010, 15:05

We all strive to achieve superior returns from our investments. Our ultimate goal is to make money or create wealth for ourselves and our family. For this purpose we seek an investment portfolio. “Portfolio” word means investing into more than one investment avenues. We earn well but seldom unable to devote enough time and expertise to manage our investment portfolio optimally. At that time we should ask ourselves some questions like – Are we able to manage our investment portfolio scientifically? and do we have our portfolio rebalanced periodically in line with our financial goals? Most of us have the answers in Negative. Here, Portfolio Management Services (PMS) come into the limelight.


Male Number of posts : 51
Age : 41
Location : India
Registration date : 2010-08-09

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