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Why should you do Financial Planning regularly?

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Why should you do Financial Planning regularly? Empty Why should you do Financial Planning regularly?

Post by jiten702 Tue Oct 26 2010, 17:03

Simply put, time never stands still. You grow old, your needs change, your family’s needs will also change. There will be new investment opportunities. Some old investments that you would have made might no longer make sense with the passage of time or will need to get updated.

So I give you reasons for doing Financial Planing that will help you to go smoothly through all stages of life :-

  • Protecting Oneself & Family against Financial Risks
  • Providing for children's education expenses.
  • Providing for the likely expenses on marriage of the children.
  • Finances for acquiring a house.
  • For building a retirement corpus at retirement.
  • Finances for car and annual trips.
  • Someone in their 20s will have different needs as they enter their 30s.

Having a Financial Plan is not only important but necessary if you plan to have a relatively stress-free future.


Male Number of posts : 51
Age : 41
Location : India
Registration date : 2010-08-09

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