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List pros and cons of your broker

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List pros and cons of your broker Empty List pros and cons of your broker

Post by enidhi Wed Jan 30 2008, 16:40

Who is your broker? Or where do you hold your demat account? ICICI Direct? Karvy? India bulls? sharekhan? Geojit?....

Tell us what you liked and do not like from your broker...

For example, I hold my demat with geojit. It is relatively cheap-) 0.3% for delivery and 0.03 for day trading subject to min Rs 20 per scrip.

But I am not really happy with their user interface for trading as it is not very informative....

Customer care is good.

Write about yours...
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List pros and cons of your broker Empty Re: List pros and cons of your broker

Post by gbhupesh Thu Jan 31 2008, 19:06

Kotak - customer care number listed on website is not easily accessible also sending email to customer service may not work. But you have other informal channels to get your work done, if you are not accustomed to that it may be bit frustrating. There process are very informal.

ICICI - high cost, process oriented (that may create problem some times, I had to go 4 times to icici branch for my address change), customer service assessable, certain restriction on website during trading hours.

Reliance - very slow .. , they are not ready for the customers yet.

Non of these brokers matches my experience of stock investing while I was in US in 2001.

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List pros and cons of your broker Empty Re: List pros and cons of your broker

Post by enidhi Thu Jan 31 2008, 21:09

gbhupesh wrote:

ICICI - high cost,

ICICI Demat account is free for those who have salary account... You mean brokerage is very high?
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List pros and cons of your broker Empty Re: List pros and cons of your broker

Post by gbhupesh Fri Feb 01 2008, 14:54

yes brokerae is very high

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List pros and cons of your broker Empty Re: List pros and cons of your broker

Post by pankaj joshi Thu Mar 04 2010, 20:16

my reliance money super trade is least costly!

pankaj joshi

Number of posts : 47
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List pros and cons of your broker Empty Re: List pros and cons of your broker

Post by nitikasnv Sat Mar 06 2010, 12:16

enidhi wrote:
gbhupesh wrote:

ICICI - high cost,

ICICI Demat account is free for those who have salary account... You mean brokerage is very high?


Yes, the same I want to know as I do have my salary account in ICICI bank so it is very important to me to know about this.

please if you have some more new updates than please do let me know.



Number of posts : 42
Registration date : 2010-01-18

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List pros and cons of your broker Empty Re: List pros and cons of your broker

Post by seenathkumar Mon May 31 2010, 16:01

Can you share some more information with current updates because at this movement recession is not effecting that much......

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List pros and cons of your broker Empty Re: List pros and cons of your broker

Post by sru123 Sat Aug 07 2010, 16:31


iam new to this forum... hoping to share and learn somethings in here.

Guidebuddha :homework help online tutor from india-


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