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Would u quit your job to become a consultant?

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Would u quit your job to become a consultant? Empty Would u quit your job to become a consultant?

Post by Admin Wed Jan 30 2008, 15:33

If you'd an opportunity would you quit your job and become an independent consultant?

Number of posts : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Would u quit your job to become a consultant? Empty Re: Would u quit your job to become a consultant?

Post by enidhi Thu Jan 31 2008, 10:47

Let us reword the question like this- once you gain sufficient experience and expertise would you consider working on your own as an independent consultant? or prefer to work as an employee?
MoneyTalk Expert

Male Number of posts : 165
Age : 41
Location : Bangalore/Chennai
Registration date : 2008-01-29

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Would u quit your job to become a consultant? Empty Re: Would u quit your job to become a consultant?

Post by kbharadwaj81 Sun Mar 16 2008, 17:35

Well its a tricky queation to answer. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Let me consider a typical US market...... person on a H1 visa ( even a grenn cardholder for that matter ) is generally out sourced to a clients place. The so called employer who sponsored his visa/work permit keeps a major part of the billing money and pays a small amout of it. Say the employee is in good terms with the client and he feels the client will engage him for a long term it makes sense to go independent as the employee gets a very good hike in salary on th eother hand for the client it makes sanse as well since his billng for the project is further reduced.
But there are disadvantages as well......... there is no job security. Though you may earn there is always a risk associated since as there are chances that you may not find a suitable project. If the market experiences a slump CONSULTANTS are the worst hit. If you are a person who wants to see your self big in organizational roles then consulting may not be your cup of tea.


Number of posts : 13
Registration date : 2008-03-16

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Would u quit your job to become a consultant? Empty Re: Would u quit your job to become a consultant?

Post by jannapurna Tue Aug 03 2010, 11:42

Of course opinions may differ from person to person. If I want I can earn a lot. I am rendering

free service . It’s my personal Opinion ‘Taping others income’. Reasonable charges are preferable.




Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2010-08-02

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