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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

pankaj joshi
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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by meetstephen_16 Fri Mar 05 2010, 00:24


I have Shares of some company and would like to knw is it good to hold them or sell them

MoneyTalk New Member

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2010-03-05

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by seenathkumar Sat Mar 06 2010, 12:53

I recommend to visit Mutual Funds site for details on investment.


Male Number of posts : 48
Age : 39
Location : Mumbai
Registration date : 2010-03-03

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by pankaj joshi Tue Apr 13 2010, 19:03

visit this site and call them!

pankaj joshi

Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2010-03-04

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by pankaj joshi Thu Apr 15 2010, 20:32

hope its helpful to all you guys here!

pankaj joshi

Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2010-03-04

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by pawankumar Sat Apr 17 2010, 18:54

can someone plZ tell ,me how i could get more profit in mutual funds?


Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2010-02-15

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by lakhvinder Mon May 10 2010, 18:01

Hey guys..just heard that Reliance MF declares dividend for Monthly Interval Fund...Reliance Interval Fund is a debt oriented interval scheme with the investment objective to generate regular returns and growth of capital by investing in a diversified portfolio of Central and State Government securities and other fixed income / debt securities.
Any more news on it?


Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2010-04-19

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by pankaj joshi Tue May 11 2010, 20:52

lakhvinder wrote:Hey guys..just heard that Reliance MF declares dividend for Monthly Interval Fund...Reliance Interval Fund is a debt oriented interval scheme with the investment objective to generate regular returns and growth of capital by investing in a diversified portfolio of Central and State Government securities and other fixed income / debt securities.
Any more news on it?

really?thats good...pls give some more info on it and any other member has anything more on this?

pankaj joshi

Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2010-03-04

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by pawankumar Thu May 20 2010, 17:03

pankaj joshi wrote:
lakhvinder wrote:Hey guys..just heard that Reliance MF declares dividend for Monthly Interval Fund...Reliance Interval Fund is a debt oriented interval scheme with the investment objective to generate regular returns and growth of capital by investing in a diversified portfolio of Central and State Government securities and other fixed income / debt securities.
Any more news on it?

really?thats good...pls give some more info on it and any other member has anything more on this?



Number of posts : 48
Registration date : 2010-02-15

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by pankaj joshi Fri May 21 2010, 18:34

pawankumar wrote:
pankaj joshi wrote:
lakhvinder wrote:Hey guys..just heard that Reliance MF declares dividend for Monthly Interval Fund...Reliance Interval Fund is a debt oriented interval scheme with the investment objective to generate regular returns and growth of capital by investing in a diversified portfolio of Central and State Government securities and other fixed income / debt securities.
Any more news on it?

really?thats good...pls give some more info on it and any other member has anything more on this?


good information.thanks!

pankaj joshi

Number of posts : 47
Registration date : 2010-03-04

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by akhi kashyup Thu Jun 03 2010, 17:14

Any good large cap funds available from mutual fund houses like ICICI,Franklin Templeton and Reliance?

akhi kashyup

Number of posts : 19
Registration date : 2010-02-17

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Mutual funds Investment

Post by ronak Thu Jun 10 2010, 17:24

ICICI and Franklin is good but i thing DSP BlackRock is also a very good for Mutual Funds Investment


Male Number of posts : 34
Age : 45
Location : Mumbai
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by sru123 Sat Aug 07 2010, 14:36

hi all
Thanku sharing the information..
i got some information from here..



Number of posts : 54
Registration date : 2010-08-07

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by ronak Thu Aug 19 2010, 13:07

seenathkumar wrote:I recommend to visit Mutual Funds site for details on investment.

You can seek an advice from DSP BlackRock investment managers before investing money in mutual fund.


Male Number of posts : 34
Age : 45
Location : Mumbai
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling Empty Re: How toget advice on stock and Mutual funds buying or selling

Post by ronak Thu Aug 11 2011, 13:16

meetstephen_16 wrote:Hi,

I have Shares of some company and would like to knw is it good to hold them or sell them

DSP BlackRock has professional investment managers team.They can assist you on investment fund & mutual funds related queries.


Male Number of posts : 34
Age : 45
Location : Mumbai
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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