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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment?

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Do you prefer a timeshare membership or one time holiday?

Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Vote_lcap22%Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Vote_rcap 22% 
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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Vote_lcap44%Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Vote_rcap 44% 
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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Vote_lcap11%Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Vote_rcap 11% 
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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Vote_lcap22%Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Vote_rcap 22% 
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Total Votes : 9
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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Empty Do you consider Timeshare as an investment?

Post by Admin Tue Jan 29 2008, 21:54

A timeshare is a holiday concept where a member pays in advance (years in advance in fact) to a holiday company in exchange of a specified number of holidays at any of the property owned by holiday company, every year for a specified number of years.

member would get following benefits from a timeshare membership (in theory)

Holiday tomorrow at today's prise (Protection against inflation)
An option of selling/gifting the holidays owned by the member
Exclusive member benefits.

In western countries many consider timeshare as an investment. In India the concept is yet to take off, but timeshare companies often enroll members in excess of their capacity, creating huge inconvenience to members.

What is your take on timeshares? Is it an investment? Or waste of money?

Number of posts : 42
Registration date : 2008-01-10

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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Empty Re: Do you consider Timeshare as an investment?

Post by rakeshkamble Wed Jan 30 2008, 14:40

Currently we got better options of investing our money elsewhere..
If we got excess money, then we can go ahead... As this is not a bad business and this kind of business will definitely grow in Long term..
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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Empty Re: Do you consider Timeshare as an investment?

Post by enidhi Thu Jan 31 2008, 11:05

I agree partially, but depends more on how the timeshare company you chose manages its property and members. If it only enrolls members but doesn't increase inventory proportionately members will face problems.
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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Empty Re: Do you consider Timeshare as an investment?

Post by gbhupesh Thu Jan 31 2008, 19:38

Timeshare not as good business model as it appears, without an insurance cover for your week it is not worth and we do not have any insurance product for this as yet. It is a risky prposition for the customer, 25 year is a very large period for any thing to happen...

A company which has matching inventory today may not/willing to match it in future.
Assured customer make them less efficient in operations .. I believe that ..

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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Empty Re: Do you consider Timeshare as an investment?

Post by ashwini Sat Feb 02 2008, 18:40

My uncle has club mahindra membership (white season I think) he says he is not much happy about it...

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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Empty Finazasforex

Post by jorgo Mon Aug 11 2008, 23:55

ashwini wrote:My uncle has club mahindra membership (white season I think) he says he is not much happy about it...
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Registration date : 2008-08-11

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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Empty Re: Do you consider Timeshare as an investment?

Post by bentley1988 Fri May 07 2010, 09:38

we once had one of these wasnt the best thing in the world.

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Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2010-05-06

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Do you consider Timeshare as an investment? Empty Re: Do you consider Timeshare as an investment?

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